Friday, November 10, 2006

I am glad that not many people read my blogs because I know that not many people might actually agree to what I am going to write in here.

I dont know if sentencing Saddam to death is a fair verdict or not.. I also dont know if he was the breeding ground for terrorism or if he was even funding for the terrorist. I am only aware that Saddam whom they called "The Butcher of Baghdad" has been now sentenced to death. But what I dont understand is that why at the first place should Bush command his men to capture Saddam who was a ruler for his country for nearly quarter of a century and now sentence him to death? It is clear that Bush never intended to avoid a war in Iraq, a conflict which has so far claimed the lives of at least 85 American soldiers and possibly thousands of Iraqis.“F--- Saddam,” Bush said. “We’re taking him out.” March 2002. Isn't he a dictator too then?? Would he also not react in the same bewildered way as Saddam did, if he were to be captured and then sentenced to death? It is really sad that nobody is questioning Bush about this.

I believe that Saddam Hussein was a living threat to only the American national security and Mr.Bush and to no one else.

Did Saddam actually have ties with the terrorists? If he really did where is the proof? Why was he being linked with Osama??

The notion that Saddam Hussein has ties to terrorism is an article of faith among the critics of President Bush, Tony Blair and their allies. They say (argue infact) that he knew little if anything about terrorism, especially al-Qaeda. Read on to know what I found on the net, about what few of these more notable detractors had to say:

"I never believed in the link between Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and Islamist terrorism,” - Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

“Iraq was not a breeding ground for terrorism. Our invasion has made it one,” Senator Ted Kennedy said October 16, 2003.2 “We were told Iraq was attracting terrorists from Al Qaeda. It was not.”

Even those who would be President of the United States cast doubts. "Iraq was not a terrorist haven before the invasion," Democratic candidate John Kerry told Philadelphia voters September 24. At the September 30, 2004 presidential debate, Kerry asserted, "Iraq was not even close to the center of the War on Terror before the president invaded it."

If Saddam is guilty or not guilty, I feel sentencing him to death might not be a very smart move for the US. I feel this might even turn to be hell for the Americans. Read this article and am sure you will also think about how so many people can be against the death sentence

This a mail I recieved few days back.
a.. USA supported Bin Laden and the Taliban for
years, and viewed them as
freedom fighters against the Russians?

b.. As late as 1998, the US was paying the salary of
every single Taliban
official in Afghanistan?

c.. There is more oil and gas in the Caspian Sea,
but you need a pipeline
through Afghanistan to get that out?

d.. UNOCAL, a giant oil conglomerate, wanted to
build a 1000 mile pipeline
from the Caspian Sea through Afghanistan to the
Arabian Sea?

e.. UNOCAL spend $ 10,000,000,000 on geological
studies for the pipeline
construction, and courted the Taliban for their
support in allowing the
construction to begin?

f.. All leading Taliban officials were in Texas
negotiating with UNOCAL in


g. In 1999, Taliban changed its mind and threw
UNOCAL out of the country

and awarded the pipeline project to a company in

h.. John Maresca, VP of UNOCAL testified before
Congress and said no
pipeline should be set until the Taliban was gone
and a more friendly

government was established?

i.. After 1999, the Taliban became the most evil
people in the world

j. In 2001, Bush declares war against Afghanistan,
though not a single

Afghani was involved in the plane hijacking?

k.. Bush blamed Bin Laden, but did not offer any
proof, saying it was

l.. Talibans offered to hand over Bin Laden if there
was proof, but Bush
bombed Afghanistan instead?

m.. We now have a new government in Afghanistan,
which is friendlier?

n.. That the leader of the new government is one
gentleman called Hamid
Karzai, who formerly worked for UNOCAL?

o.. Bush appoints a special envoy (Lakhdar Ibrahimi)
to represent the US
to deal with the new government. This special envoy
was formerly chief
consultant to UNOCAL?

p.. The US government quietly announces in January
2002 that it will
support the Trans-Afghan pipeline construction?

q.. President Musharraf and Hamid Karzai announce
agreement in February
2002 to build proposed gas pipeline from Central
Asia to Pakistan through

......And you thought we were fighting terrorism

here, didn't you?

It is all about OIL................

Hmm they say "Alls well that ends well". But is this the end to terrorism or is the beggining? God knows!!


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